Tag Archives: drink

Sometimes a gentleman drinks alone: Gentleman Jack. Neat.

So I don’t know whether or not I will have time to do any part of the American Whiskey Trail on my upcoming trip to Nashville, but rest assured, it is among my 2010 goals. I know you were wondering and all, so I thought I would keep you abreast of all updates. However, I am told that we will have time to at least visit the Jack Daniels distillery, which, needless to say, and if you know me by any stretch of the word, I am excited about. As an imbiber of the spirit and as grow older, I have come to appreciate the intricacies of each variety. On the regular, I seem to treat my tongue to the likes of Bulleit, Stranahan’s, Makers, and Buffalo Trace. This is when I am not looking to mix it with anything and opt for a neat few fingers. It wasn’t until I went to the liquor store this past weekend and picked up a bottle of Gentleman Jack that I felt the need to add to the list of what I already enjoy. Damn, damn good. Sure, I picked up a bottle of Benchmark, too, but that’s neither here nor there. What is both here and there was the checkout girl making eyes at yours truly. Unless those eyes were just to try to get me to buy the single shot of Sweet Tea liqueur on a flirtatious impulse. Now if I could just act like a gentleman after drinking the whiskey, I’d have it made in the shade. I’m working on it. Drink up, Johnny.

A Clear Head to Clear My Head: Dan Akroyd’s Crystal Head Vodka

Picture 1After work my head is such a mess of thoughts it’s like a lightning storm of blog posts, news updates, meeting notes, colored pencils, and business card reordering. It’s a relaxing deep breath and meeting friends for a happy hour that brings me back to square one, where I’m centered again. Lately the choice drink has been a glass of Chardonnay on the porch of my friend Amanda’s new house in Wash Park. But she introduced me to the Vodka Press, which I am not a fan of. I would drink them more if A) I didn’t have to drive home, and B) If the vodka came from a Crystal Head.