Tag Archives: sex

What happens when you mistype Nooka on Amazon. Nookii – The Adult Board Game.

nookiiI want to say that when I accidentally typed in ‘Nooki’ when I meant to key ‘Nooka’ last night, I was flabbergasted at the search results. But I’m not going to. Why? Because I found Nookii through this accidental mishap of fortunate yields. I was merely looking to give Nooka another try and thought I’d try my luck on Amazon to see what sort of deals they had in the marketplace section. I didn’t get that far, as you can tell. I did get envious, though, of my friends with significant others.

ahhcardAh, Will, don’t you worry, young stallion. For someday a young lass will grace your life with beauty, poise, companionship, love, and splendor…and with all this, she will undoubtedly wanna get freaky. How can she resist when the “Aah” card tells her to do so? You show me a woman who says no to instructions from a board game, and I will show you what must be some sort of android…or cyborg…or something. Psh.

Will (@MomentumFailure)