100 Days of Ties: Day 85, J. Crew wool, and natural human reactions.

That chloride is gonna ruin the Bean mocs.

I didn’t mean to laugh. And I didn’t do it so loud that he heard me. But on the icy, icy walk this morning from uptown to downtown to catch the bus, I ended up waling behind a guy who slipped, fell flat on his ass, spilled his recently purchased coffee from 7-11, and generally kicked off the week with a pretty crappy bang. What did I do? I did what anyone who grew up watching America’s Funniest Home Videos would do: I laughed. I quickly covered my mouth because, man, that sucks for him. But my natural reaction was to laugh…and hear Bob Saget narrate the entire thing in some goofy voice. I helped the gent up and said sorry about his coffee and went on my way.

Why do we laugh at things like this? I just needed to see a dad get hit in the jewels by his kid in some facet and then a cat try to jump onto a table and fail miserably, and my morning would have been complete. Well, the day is still young, I suppose…

Sam / eatingeverywhere.com - Started a diet last week. Woke up this morning 2 lbs heavier than when I started. But that’s all ok because just look at my awesome shirt & tie combo!! Life is good. Shirt & Tie – Barney’s New York

Drake / givemeindiana.tumblr.com - Monday morning. I’m trying to continue to be industrious this week, filling all of my downtime with work or reading. I want to be prepared for the workload I will be starting this fall. Stafford oxford Unbranded tie Dockers D2

Brent / dimpledfourinhand.wordpress.com - Playing with new Android tablet PC. Charles Tyrwhitt contrast collar and cuff shirt and Jos Bank tie.

David / TheNaturalAristocrat.com / vintage Pendleton tie / Robert Talbott shirt / Brooks Bros Jacket

As far as the Tied and True party goes, we’re trying to figure out some hotel possibilities. Maybe if we could get a group together and go in a few rooms, we could keep the cost down. Or, we could all find friends to stay with. Thoughts?

Update to the 100 Days of Ties Party

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