It can be cleaned and fixed. Like stains, bruises, and whatever happened last night.

It’s been a good long while since I grabbed my trusty Timbuk2 messenger and put it to good use. When I got into the corporate world, I had little need for the bag seeing as how the bright color and non-office friendly material deemed it somewhat inappropriate for everyday use. That, and I stopped riding my Pista Concept when my kneecaps felt as though they were about to blow out of my legs. Now, though, as I have positioned myself again atop the cycle and have been making more frequent park trips, the bag has seen more use. But given it hasn’t seen the light of day in the better part of a year, I had to give it a clean. Fortunately, all I needed was a hose and a drying rag of some sort. Bam. Cleaned. Now how it handles…

Stocked with a few flasks, my mitt, a Frisbee, jerky, candy, a six pack of Bud Light, a lacrosse ball, baseball, half-inflated football (I can’t find the needle to pump er up), and my wallet and keys, the big green machine kept my gear, food, and drink sheltered with room to spare. When I initially snagged this particular size Timbuk2, I wondered what in the hell I’d need such a massive bag for. Now I know. It’s for those indecisive “What should I take? Screw it, I will bring everything…” days when you know you’re going to be at the park for a good 7 and a half hours. Best part? I found a lone beer come the end of the day buried in the bottom of the bag…Still cold. Score.

5 responses to “It can be cleaned and fixed. Like stains, bruises, and whatever happened last night.

  1. Gotta love the unexpected beer. It’s like finding money in your pocket!

    • momentumoffailure

      Dude, and it was still cold. New idea: Thermos / Timbuk2 collaboration. Get on it, and let me demo it.

  2. timbuk2s are the best. they may not be as flashy or fancy as “it” bags, but they are so ridiculously durable and accommodating, and best of all waterproof. also reflective. with functional pockets. yeah. i could go on and on. i started out with an xl not realizing quite how big it would be. but at least when i take it i don’t have to carry anything else.

  3. What replaced the timbuk2 for work?

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