Tag Archives: duffel bag

Helly Hansen Duffel Bag

67004220Got wind last night of a possible 4th of July camping trip happening somewhere in this great wide-open state’s wilderness. Whether or not it’s true is yet to be determined as I think it may have been a drunken convo between friends, but fingers crossed it happens. I need a camping trip like whoa. Pack up a waterproof Duffel Bag, stock up on brew, hot dogs, chips, and jerky and hit the fire circle. Damn. That sounds great right about now.

The Indiana Leather Adventure Duffel

IndyM1-700Remember when it was such “news” that Harrison Ford was dating and then married Calista Flockhart and got his ear pierced? Well, Calista’s now 44 and I think Mr. Ford’s since ditched the ear accessory so it doesn’t seem like it was worth the media coverage now does it? At the time though, man. That was crazy…Speaking of which, my buddy, Judd, named his cat Indiana Jones. He should get the Indiana Leather Adventure Duffel ($346) to carry the lil guy around in. THat’d be something. That’s news. Continue reading